RadNav™ Autonomous Radiology Workflows with Intelligent Patient Follow-Up

  • 60%+ Improvement in Patient Compliance:

    RadNav’s Automation and AI-driven technology identifies lapsed patients and follow-ups, engages care teams and patients, and closes the loop for imaging centers.
  • Fast, Seamless Implementation and Integration:

    Delivering end-to-end patient engagement solutions, RadNav seamlessly integrates with your Revenue Cycle Management software, implementing within 3-4 weeks.
  • 3-6x Return on Investment:

    As half of patients are missing or have been delayed follow-up care, RadNav empowers practices to generate $10.5B in revenue capture opportunity.
  • Healthy Patients & Healthy Revenue:

    RadNav positively impacts both patient outcomes and practice’s bottom line, leveraging intelligent reminders, tailored communications, and smart analytics.

Closing the Loop: Automating Patient Follow-Up:

Only 50% of recommended follow-up recommendations are completed by the average patient, possibly hindering your patients' outcomes and leaving valuable revenue on the table... However, automation technology is transforming that with ImagineSoftware’s RadNav patient follow-up solution. Optimize patient retention and strengthen your organization by implementing workflow automation and artificial intelligence into your patient follow-up process, and leverage features such as intelligent reminders, tailored communications, and smart analytics - All designed for your radiology patients and practices!

Client Testimonial

See Autonomous Radiology Follow-Up In Action

Schedule a 15-minute Demo with ImagineSoftware™, where you will see how RadNav’s automation and AI can impact your practice's patient compliance and revenue.

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Seamlessly integrating within ImagineSoftware’s RCM platform

Trusted Leaders in Automated Radiology Workflows

End-to-end patient engagement system that combines follow-up with the next steps in the patient journey:

  • Scheduling
  • Estimation
  • Authorization
  • Eligibility
  • Pre-payment
ImagineSoftware is in all 50 states
ImagineSoftware Users
Physicians across 47 Specialties
Annual Charge Volume
Collections Annualized
Annual Payments Processed